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Website translated by google translator. May contain linguistic errors.
Lorenzo BOCCA, b. 1959, lives and works in Cremona, Italy.
Architect, teacher, especially painter. He studies the compositional possibilities given by the division of the square according to the diagonal transformed into arcs of circumference.
Lorenzo BOCCA, untitled, 2020
Elisabeth BODEY, b. 1953. Lives in Melbourne, Australia.
She has been an artist for 34 years. Her work moves through painting and also installation. She is engaged specifically in the shared language of abstraction in both music and painting. She explores how the processes of painting, its materiality, the sharing of structures and colour can together create this rich and resonant dialogue in abstr
Elisabeth BODEY, Australia
Arvid BOECKER, b. 1964, lives and works in Frankfurt and Heidelberg, Germany.
The main aspect in Arvid Boecker's paintings is the perception of color and relationship between colors. The perception of color in reality is always the starting point of his work. During the process of painting he tries to find an expression of this perception. He standardizes his working conditions in order to achiev
Arvid BOECKER, EU_Germany
Arvid BOECKER, EU_Germany
Christine BOIRY, b. 1947, lives and works in Paris, France.
Her art is reductive, non-objective with a focus on color and rhythm : she impulses a kinetic movement in 3d works, using different materials. She often plays with the surface of the wall, installing multipieces work. The origin of her art is her experience of silence in her childhood and interest in evolution and prospective (her profe
Christine BOIRY, EU_France
Alexander BONDARENKO, b. 1949, lives and works in Mariupol, Ukraine.
Graduated from Rostov-on-Don art college named after M. Grekov (1965-1969). Painter, graphic artist, aquarellist with strong avant-garde, innovative tendencies in my creativity. Appealing with simple geometric shapes, using color or monochrome, as well as textures, I try to convey the essence of my ideas and to create a connecti
Alexander BONDARENKO, Ukraine
Alexander BONDARENKO, Ukraine
Alexander BONDARENKO, Ukraine
Jarosław BOREK, born on 1983, lives and works in Łódź, Poland.
A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts. Władysław Strzemiński in Łódź. Currently, as a researcher and lecturer, he conducts classes in sculpture at the Department of Propedeutics of Sculpture, Sculpture Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, and conducts activities in the field of specialist design under the name ID.FOR.FUN. H
Jarosław BOREK, EU_Poland
Jarosław BOREK, EU_Poland
Jarosław BOREK, EU_Poland
Renate BORGEN, b. 1947, lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.
I am interested in exploring what color and painting can do within itself, in a system where I explore the DNA of color by mixing all my colors from the three basic colors; red, yellow, blue as
well as white.
My work is constructed basis shifting between control, coincidence and repetition. The geometric form is the foundation for m
Renate BORGEN, EU_Denmark
Renate BORGEN, EU_Denmark
Renate BORGEN, EU_Denmark
Claudine BOUCQ, born in 1944, lives and works in Rosières (Rixensart), Belgium.
Initially self-taught, studied painting and printmaking at an academy and taught artistic initiation for a few years. After many years of figurative painting, felt the need to explore the field of abstraction. Naturally and instinctively, she turned to geometry and found in it a limitless source of inspiration. Its g
Claudine BOUCQ, EU_Belgium
Claudine BOUCQ, EU_Belgium
María BRAÑA, n. 1950, lives and works in Salinas, Asturias, Spain.
Trabaja la abstracción geométrica , utilizando tanto métodos tradicionales como las nuevas tecnologías, incorporando volúmenes, ya sea en obras de pared como en escultura exenta, conformando hueco- relieves ,con los que crea obras de aspecto arquitectónico.
Combinando el aluminio o la madera con la impresión digital, bus
Maria BRAÑA, EU_Spain
Carol-Ann BRAUN, born in 1954 and currently living in Paris, France.
Raised in the Netherland Antilles, the United States and France, Carol-Ann Braun's artistic work has segued between Caribbean animism, American formalism and French social activism. Digital media have provided an experimental bridge between these different worlds: interactive poetry ; neighborhood debating platforms and urban i
Carol-Ann BRAUN, EU_France
Beti BRICELJ, b. 1974, lives and works in Postojna, Slovenia.
Her work is developing through many studies and sketches which are based on her previous work. There is an intense game of exploration, investigation and discovery. She strives to find the appropriate solutions and making definitive decisions to move the ideas forward.
Instagram: @beti.bricelj
Beti BRICELJ, untitled, 2020
Judith BRITEZ (aka Judith Estela Britez Di Sano), b. 1975, lives and works in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Nieta del escultor Vincenzo Di Sano. Trabajo con cemento y yeso junto a su abuelo. Licenciada en Psicología y en Artes Visuales - UdelaR articulando ambas disciplinas, desarrollando estos procesos en el trabajo social. Artista MADI, ingresada por Sofía Kunst de Arden Quin.
Facebook: https://m.faceb
Judith BRITEZ, Uruguay
Judith BRITEZ, Uruguay
Judith BRITEZ, Uruguay
Janusz BRUDNIEWICZ, b. 1965, lives and works in Montpellier, France.
Interdisciplinary artist.
Statement: Project title – "The paradox of perception ... l'absence, a form of belonging". The proposed visual concepts are nothing more than the fruit of reflection on the issue of presence or, in this case, rather the real (physical) absence of an element in the structure of the composition. Paradoxic
Stu BURKE, b. 1990, lives and works in Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Co-director at GLOAM Gallery in Sheffield. Using primarily found materials, shapes and patterns he acts as a drawer, drawing with materials, to incite a dialogue between space and shape. This process is organic and largely experimental, giving way to chance, and unexpected outcomes. Moreover, the studio process allows the materials
Stu BURKE, United Kingdom
Stu BURKE, United Kingdom
Burnie1100 (aka Burnie Elfhonderd aka Burnie Houtvast) lives in Almere, Netherlands.
Statement: As an artist I have been active in various fields for a long time, but I have found my way in Digital Art for the past years. The starting point of a work is always a mathematical form or a free form. The techniques I use to subsequently edit them come from the tools of open source software such as In
Burnie 1100, EU_Netherlands
Burnie 1100, EU_Netherlands
Burnie 1100, EU_Netherlands
Burnie 1100, EU_Netherlands
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