Website translated by google translator. May contain linguistic errors.
Website translated by google translator. May contain linguistic errors.
Michel CALEMBERT, b. 1948, lives and works in Hognoul, near Liège, Belgium.
Statement: Trained as an accountant, I entered the art world in the early 90s, seduced by watercolor and the phenomenon of pigment fusion. While dealing mainly with atmospheric landscapes, landscapes and flowers, I now devote myself to constructed abstraction which associates geometric rigor based on prime numbers while
Michel CALEMBERT, EU_Belgium
Michel CALEMBERT, EU_Belgium
Michel CALEMBERT, EU_Belgium
Michel CALEMBERT, EU_Belgium
Jorge CALIGIURI, b. 1958, lives and works in Philadelphia, United States.
Artist Statement: I work primarily in fresco and encaustic mediums, sometimes combining multiple
techniques in creating my abstract and often minimal paintings. The focus of my work is
to fragment the space in myriad ways with texture and line as the primary tools along
with simple elements of pattern, shape and color. I am in
Ove CARLSON, b. 1950, lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden.
He creates paintings, digital graphic and designs algorithm controlled art. He is inspired by mathematics, fractals, combinatorics and such and also by minimalism and conceptual art. The starting point for the artist's work is the assumption that art and mathematics on one level are the same thing. Mathematical relations, shapes and pat
Beth CASPAR, lives and works in Margaretville, NY, USA.
Statement: My work has always focused on and explored shape and pattern that involved using planar geometric shapes and mathematically derived patterns. Recent work has dealt with shapes and patterns derived from chance, and 2- and 3-D structures made from folded paper, corrugated cardboard, and aluminum.
Beth CASPAR, mask, 2020
RACHELMAURICIO CASTRO, live and work in Brazil.
They are an architect, industrial designer and visual artist. They work with video art, images and net art. Create using graphic elements of programming, animation and interaction, with appropriation of images.
FACEBOOK: rachelmauricio.castro
Rachelmauricio CASTRO, untitled, 2020
Rachelmauricio CASTRO, Brazil
Rachelmauricio CASTRO, Brazil
Arleta Cehic, akad. prof. of Fine Arts, b. 1963, lives and works in Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
She creates sculptures, paintings, graphic and videos inspired by materials in the process of decay which complementarily correspond to clean lines of geometric minimalism. The point of departure for the artist's works is the everything that has happened so far, is the sum of continuity and discont
Arleta CEHIC, Bosnia and Hercegovina
Carla CERCHIARA, b. 1985, lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She creates hard-edge acrylic paintings on canvas. Her point of departure is the complexity of simplicity. She uses basic forms and colors to create complex designs through a very elaborate masking tape technique. The result is an artistic reminder that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts.
Facebook: Carla Cerc
Carla CERCHIARA, Argentina
Carla CERCHIARA, Argentina
Dominique CHAPUIS, b. 1952, lives and works in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
My subject is lines and stripes. Paper collage white on white.
Instagram :
Dominique CHAPUIS, untitled, 2020
Dominique CHAPUIS, EU_Germany
CHOSSY, lives and works in Munich, Germany, teaching 'life drawing' at the 'Academiy of Fine Arts Munich' and Bad-Reichenhall. The point of departure for her works is energy. She creates experimental sculpture - favorite material: hair, which is materialized growth energy. In sculptures the energy is captured in the material, paintings and graphics are energy-traces, the voice is the freeing of
CHOSSY, EU_Germany
CHOSSY, EU_Germany
Rebecca CHOU, b. 1958, lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area, U.S. and Paris, France.
She has been a high-tech executive in Silicon Valley and was a Trustee of the San Francisco Art Institute. She finds resonance in Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel's writing: "Reductionism in Art and Brain Science". Also influenced by string theory in quantum physics, she engages in geometrical abstraction and
Rebecca CHOU, EU_France
Rebecca CHOU, EU_France
Rebecca CHOU, EU_France
Koushal CHOUDHARY, b. 1968, lives and works in Mumbai, India.
My paintings are all about connections, They speak about connecting to our self by traveling inwards, within us and then our soul connects us to our mind, the Universe or to whomever we desire to. To get connected we need to be in particular frequencies, every particular work require our different wave length. To achieve this state we
Koushal CHOUDHARY, India, MIND, 2020
Koushal CHOUDHARY, India, GURU, 2020
Judith CISNEROS, Professor of Fine Arts, b. 1962, lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentine.
Light and senses geometric artist. She takes materiality of light as a mass to be shaped sculpturally creating luminous volumes, geometric structured, perceptually visible, but ethereal, transparent; rising the light nature purely, as a material aesthetic body. She applies neurosciences to art, and thro
Lorenzo CONTI, b. 1989, vive e lavora tra Agrigento e Favara, Italia.
Exhibit Designer e docente di Disegno Geometrico, il suo approccio all'arte è legato alla percezione dello spazio. Gli effetti ottici, illuminotecnici e la teoria della percezione della forma sono le fonti d'ispirazione principale nei suoi dipinti e nelle installazioni che realizza sulla base delle forme da lui prodotte.
Lorenzo CONTI, EU_Italy
Lorenzo CONTI, EU_Italy
Lorenzo CONTI, EU_Italy
Waltraut COOPER, b. 1937, is an Austrian artist, generally described as Light Artist, primarily concerned with Art and Science, Concept Art, Digital Art.
She is regarded as a pioneer of digital art, and her Klangmikado (based on the game of “pickup sticks”), a commissioned work of Ars Electronica in 1984, as a classic of digital art. Works on the theme of art and science as well as large-scale li
Waltraut COOPER, EU_Austria
Waltraut COOPER, EU_Austria
Waltraut COOPER, EU_Austria
Maria CUEVAS, lives and works in Madrid, Spain.
Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Data artist. Exploring Data and Art Boundaries. The algorithms and programs used in Random Color Codes Series reflect formal language and systemic aesthetic thinking. In this project, everything that happens in the supporting structure of the painting does so according to a previously established, r
Maria CUEVAS, EU_Spain
Maria CUEVAS, EU_Spain
Sandra CURRY, b 1949, lives and works in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia.
Statement: Master of Fine Art (C.O.F.A.University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia). Professional artist & former teacher (The St George Institute of Technical Education, Sydney & the College of Fine Arts University of New South Wales UNSW. Philosophically I am interested in the metaphysical & cosmological aspects
Sandra CURRY, Australia
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