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Website translated by google translator. May contain linguistic errors.
Roger MAC ENTYRE, born in 1964, lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He is a publicist, graphic designer, photographer, audiovisual producer and musician.
His work is mostly kinetic within Op Art and seeks the participation of the observer making him interact with the work.
As in music, in his works he incorporates variants, times, codas and rhythms, but it is performed by the viewer, going
Jolanta Bibianna MACIOLEK, b. 1948 Lodz, Poland, lives in Gold Coast, Australia.
She completed Fine Art School in Lodz, and earned a Diploma of Theatre, Music and Stage. In Australia she completed a Bachelor of Visual Arts (painting, printmaking), 1997. In her masks, she represents some FALSE theories regarding theories of vaccines with microchips, barcodes, or the unknown behind the locked doors
Jolanta Bibianna MACIOLEK, Australia
Jolanta Bibianna MACIOLEK, Australia
Jolanta Bibianna MACIOLEK, Australia
Kate MACKAY, born 1961 in Sydney; lives and works in rural Northern NSW, Australia.
I am a painter and sculptor who works with gouache, oil, cardboard and yarn. The works are an exploration of repetition, process and random difference within uniformity, in which series of works are created by repeated combinations of simple elements. The repetition leads to inevitable imperfection as the systems
Susanne Kathlen MADER, b. 1964 in Walsrode, Germany, lives and works in Høvik, Norway since 1998.
Her abstract body of work comprehends both a free geometrical and an expressionistic approach, and a variety of two – and three-dimensional techniques. The research of the dynamic, musical relation between colour, line, form and space, and its impact on the viewer is her main subject. Following her
Susanne Kathlen MADER, Norway
Susanne Kathlen MADER, Norway
Susanne Kathlen MADER, Norway
Jean-Luc MANGUIN, b. 1960, lives and works in Caen, Normandy, France.
His works only contains horizontal and vertical lines; works mainly in two directions: splitting the square into equal parts, and assembling squares in boards. The second choice of his work consists in working on the surfaces, thus creating shapes, or working on the edges, thus creating grids.
Doris MARTEN, b. 1971, lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
As a painter Doris Marten explores perceptual phenomena using repetitive strip intervals. Color, time, rhythm and individuality are essential aspects of her work. Materiality and presentation context play a decisive role in the content. Since the artist comprehends a painting as one statement within a larger nonverbal communication proce
Dani MARTI, b. 1963, lives and works in Barcelona, Spain and Aberdare, Australia.
I like making works that explores the space between abstraction and narrative, where the viewer is lead to see both formal patterns and the sensuality of bodily presence. This comes through seductive rope woven paintings and the rhythms of reflector works constantly at play with light and movement.
Facebook: Dani M
Dani MARTI, EU_Spain, Australia
Marco MARTINEZ, Chile, MUTAR, 2020
Marco MARTINEZ, Chile
Marco MARTINEZ, Chile
Marco MARTINEZ, Chile
József MARYJOZ SZATHMÁRY, b. 1953, lives and works in Jászárokszállás, Hungary.
Statement: The spiritual principle of my works (according to my rumors) is the search for the simple truths, purity, connections, separations, displacements of colors and forms, rhythm, pulsation, origin and passing, the spiritual movements under matter that transcend matter.
József MARYJOZ SZATHMÁRY, untitled, 2020
Slawomir MARZEC, b. 1962, lives and works in Lublin and Warsaw, Poland.
Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Visual artist practicing paintings, drawings, digital graphic, installation, performance, film. The author about 300 critical and theoretical texts on art, as well 5 books. The main theme of his activity is the “ALL” – understood as the oscillation between impossible wholeness
Marilyn Chapin MASSEY, b. 1942, lives and works in Paris, France.
Formerly a professor of philosophy in the United States, she moved from interpreting systems of the mind to representing systems of the physical world. Her paintings and digital work combine her
fascinations with color and urban transportation systems. Creating visual surprises of random
color based on system designs (principally th
Remi MATSUKURA ROXBROUGH, b.1973, lives and works in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Intermedia artist. She creates painting, digital graphic, solid shape, inspired by the societies of control or the nature systems. The point of departure for the artist's works is the exploration of the environment surrounding people reality on the contemporary societies of control.
Instagram: re_mi_art
Remi MATSUKURA ROXBROUGH, United Arab Emirates
Remi MATSUKURA ROXBROUGH, United Arab Emirates
Remi MATSUKURA ROXBROUGH, United Arab Emirates
Waldemar MATTIS-TEUTSCH, b. 1950, lives and works in Brașov, Romania.
Retired painting teacher, but still offers private lessons for art students. Light artist. He creates holograms, lenticulars, stereoscopic images, digital graphics, animations, all nonfigurative/concrete, only uses what the computer offers, without copying anything, follows light, movement of the light to create a three-dimens
Waldemar MATTIS-TEUTSCH, Romania
Waldemar MATTIS-TEUTSCH, Romania
Waldemar MATTIS-TEUTSCH, Romania
Ernst MATZKE, fine artist (IGBK-Berlin), born 1938 in Hamburg, lives and works in Bremen, Germany. Studied free and applied art, art studies with Max H. Mahlmann and Prof. Marianne Weingärtner (Fachhochschule für Gestaltung, Hamburg). Since early times he has been engaged in geometric-constructive art, but also deliberately experiments provocatively with cross-stylistic elements and in changing
Ernst MATZKE, EU_Germany
Ernst MATZKE, EU_Germany
Ernst MATZKE, EU_Germany
Ernst MATZKE, EU_Germany
Dora MAURER, untitled, 2020
Peter Hugo McCLURE, United Kingdom
Peter Hugo McCLURE, United Kingdom
Peter Hugo McCLURE, United Kingdom
Kristin McIVER, B, R, E, A, T, H, E, 2020
Kristin McIVER, B, 2020
Kristin McIVER, R, 2020
Kristin McIVER, E, 2020
Kristin McIVER, A, 2020
Kristin McIVER, T, 2020
Tarn MCLEAN, b.1971, lives and works in Toowoomba, Queensland Australia.
Drawing and Painting studio lecturer at University of Southern Queensland. Painter, Dr of Philosophy (Visual Art), author, wall painter, designer of space, textiles and accessories. Inspired by scientific neuro research into creative expression in an era digitally saturated by visual media.
Facebook: Tarn McLean
Instagram: @t
Tarn McLEAN, Australia
Tarn McLEAN, Australia
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